EIRA Gazuotas vanduo 700ml

Eira Sparkling 700ml

Prekės aprašymas: EIRA is the official water partner of the MICHELIN Guide, chosen for its exceptional quality and invigorating taste, perfectly complementing MICHELIN's pursuit of excellence. Originating from the pristine Eresfjord in Norway, EIRA is naturally filtered through ancient gneiss and granite moraine, offering unmatched purity and a smooth, refreshing taste. Its water journey through untouched landscapes ensures a natural, contaminant-free product. Committed to environmental preservation, EIRA maintains the highest purity standards, reflecting its dedication to both nature and excellence.

Kilmės šalis: Norvegija




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Dėmesio! Tai alkoholis. Alkoholis gali pakenkti jūsų sveikatai.